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...."Have you mooed IPv4
HTTP/2.0 TLSv1.3 today?"...
with TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256
Your ip is:
EN: United States, Ashburn
JP: アメリカ, アッシュバーン
CN: 美国, 阿什本
Wenn dich meine Antworten erschrecken, Vincent, dann solltest du aufhören, erschreckende Fragen zu stellen. (Pulp Fiction)
Chances are you were looking for The Apache Haus's main website?
Apache Haus
If you are a member of the general public:
This is just my (Mario) server test page, for several tests including IPv6.
Can you moo IPv6? Try it out! ipv6.apachehaus.de
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The Apache Haus is not affiliated with, or endorsed by, the Apache Software Foundation (ASF).
Apache HTTP Server, Apache, and the Apache feather logo are trademarks of The Apache Software